I'm doing some training this week, all orders placed will be posted on Monday 3rd April. Thanks for your understanding. Best, Han 😊
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    Tapestry / needlepoint is not complicated. Its simplicity is its charm, what makes it so therapeutic & relaxing.  Tapestry is simply half a cross stitch, so just a diagnal line.

    All kits contain a colour printed canvas (so easy peasy - it’s just like colouring in), other than the smaller plastic canvas kits which have an easy to follow chart - this is called ‘counted’ stitching.

    Here is an example of the half stitch on the plastic canvas.

    Up close stitching

    Both printed canvas and plastic canvas kits come with an easy to follow chart.

    Below is an example of a printed canvas kit, which also comes with an easy to follow chart.

    Vancouver Kit